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Brief Information On Orphanage

In the year 1901 the Franciscan Missionaries came to Mondasore. When they stepped into this place newly, the area was completely uneducated. The place was completely subjected to blind beliefs and superstitions. People were completely ignorant. Education was hardly found among them. Then in the year 1902 the missionaries were almost compelled by the situation to open a primary School for the local children.

They have ceaselessly worked to change the situation of the people, not only educationally, but also socially. They have left no stone unturned to bring all the people into a little standard of civilization with their minimum resources, more so with elementary education. However, after the First World War and due to some fatal diseases in 1918 the MSFS missionaries left the place forever. But it was providential plan that in 1922 the C.M. missionaries landed up in Mondasore through Sorada from Gonjam district. Soon after reaching, the first thing they noticed that many orphan children were aimlessly roaming without basic amenities. The reason for these wandering orphans was that according to our institutional record in 1918 a severe drought appeared and killed many parents leaving behind a number of children as orphan. The missionaries without sparing their time collected all the orphan children and put them all into a thatched house and attended all their needs.

They also reopened the school, which was stopped after the MSFS missionaries had left and facilitated education for the orphans. Then on the school was attached to the    Sishubhaban orphanage. Thus the orphanage came into existence in the year 1923. Since then the Arch diocese Cuttack-Bhubaneswar has been toiling hard in taking care of the orphan children of whole Kandhamal district with its minimum facilities.  There are also a few children from other districts. At present there are 150 children in the orphanage. Among them 60 are orphans, 15 are abandoned children and the rest have parents, but mostly they belong to the poor and destitute families.